Left to right: Mary Cook, Bridget Mooney, Heidi Ring, and Sahra Bennett
Do you like to laugh? Do you like to wiggle? Have you read a good story or pretended to be a doctor, a chef, or an astronaut? Do you know the difference between letters and numbers, colors, and shapes? Have you tried to put food on your plate or open a milk carton and pour in on your own cereal? Do you know how to walk in the hallway or sit quietly for an assembly? These and many more are some of the fun things we do in the Early Childhood classrooms! Young learners are exposed to the magic and fun of being in a big elementary school through classrooms and curriculum components that are designed for them at their level.
Each day we learn and grow through opportunities that allow us to practice sitting on the carpet for group time, listening to instruction and stories from a teacher, playing with friends during center/choice times and recess. Don’t forget being able to sit in chairs and at tables that are the right size for us when we practice activities like the big kids do such as signing our name, journal entries and exploring many concepts with numbers, quantities and shapes and eating meals together.
For some of our friends, this is the first time away from home and they have not had a chance to play with other kids their age in a group, for other friends they may be returning to Early Childhood for one more year before they are old enough for kindergarten. Concepts and skills taught help these friends recognize and begin to write their name, identify letters and sounds, manipulate numbers, and understand how to move through the building when walking in the halls, going to the restroom, visiting the big library or participating in assemblies or drills.
While teachers in the Early Childhood classrooms have the knowledge to present the instruction, we cannot do it without parent support, encouragement, and practice at home so that these skills transfer to other environments. Working together as a team is the foundation of a positive quality educational experience and we are so grateful that you have decided to join our team and share your little learners with us!
Early Childhood Teachers

Sahra Bennett

Mary Cook